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Celebrate Summer And Treat Yourself To New Grooming Tools

Summer is the perfect time to go through your grooming tools and see what items need to be replaced and add some new tools to your collection. Cherrybrook is a great place to find all of your favorite grooming tools + much more!

This year it has been my goal to really focus on my dog grooming skills. 

Not only does that mean learning new grooming techniques that I can use on Odin, Lou and Finn but that also means buying new grooming tools.

If you guys know me at all, grooming tools get me excited. I’m not a professional dog groomer but I absolutely LOVE to groom my boys and with the addition of Lou, my grooming spark has once again ignited.

I used to love my grooming sessions with Sherman and Leroy and they have been greatly missed. Don’t get me wrong, I love grooming Odin too but I’m kind of lenient with putting him on the table and getting my groom on with him.

Maybe I should rephrase that.

Odin only gives himself permission to be on the table for a short amount of time.

dog tote and grooming supplies from Cherrybrook

Anyways, I’ve been adding a lot of additions to my grooming tool collection like dog brushes, a few combs and I’ve been trying out a few new grooming sprays and shampoos. 

Most of the grooming purchases I’ve made this year have come from Cherrybrook

Cherrybrook and I go way back. 

When I used to attend dog shows when Sherman and Leroy were competing, besides seeing them trot around the show ring, one of my favorite things to do was to shop the vendors at the show. 

Back then almost all shows had vendors but obviously, the larger shows had more. 

My face would light up when I walked the aisles looking at all the fun grooming stuff and breed-themed art. 

My favorite vendor was Cherrybrook because they had all the cool grooming tools that all the professional dog show handlers would be shopping at. I remember the first time that I walked into their booth.

It was at the Cleveland Crown Classic Dog Show and I was overwhelmed at all the things. 

We hope that you like the products we featured in today’s post. Just so we’re clear, My Brown Newfies is a participant in the ShareASale Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to and other affiliate programs:)

I was new, I didn’t know what half of the stuff was for or what it did but I did make my first “grown up” grooming purchase from them.

It was my favorite Chris Christensen Oblong Brush and a bottle of Crown Royal Grooming Spray.

I remember being so embarrassingly proud of myself as I walked back to our setup with my purchases inside the white Cherrybrook bag. 

After that, the rest is history. Every show we go to that had vendors, I would always scope out where the Cherrybrook booth was and make a purchase. It usually wasn’t much but it was always something. 

That was well over 20 years ago and while I haven’t been to a dog show in quite some time, I still buy many of my grooming products from Cherrybrook

They always have a wide variety of professional products available for purchase on their website and they ship fast. 

This year I’ve made quite a few purchases from them as I spruce up my grooming tools in anticipation of heading back to the show ring with Lou hopefully sometime next year. 

red Newfoundland dog tote

What I love about Cherrybrook is that it’s a name I know and I trust and they carry a huge variety of grooming tools, dog toys, dog treats and breed-specific items like this really cool BirdDawg Embroidered XL Topanga Cooler Tote

This bag is perfect for holding all my grooming tools and it will be the perfect bag to bring with us to the shows. 

The other thing that I love about Cherrybrook is that they carry the brands that I love and trust like Chris Christensen, Bass, iGroom and Crown Royale.

They also carry other fun dog brands that I use regularly like Icelandic dog treats, Fluff and Tuff dog toys and they carry everything I’ll need for the show ring. 

Lou snagged his favorite toy from the bag

Cherrybrook is my one-stop shop for all of our premium pet supplies and I’m so excited to partner with them to share with you my personal discount code. 

If you’re looking to add some new grooming supplies to your routine, you can use code NEWFIES10 and save 10% on your order

Here’s a little sneak peek at the bag they curated specifically for us to kick off summer:

p.s. While this may seem like just another sponsored post to you, for me it means that I have come full circle and that brings such a big smile to my face and even a few happy tears. I’m proud and honored to be an affiliate partner for Cherrybrook, the same place where I bought my very first big girl grooming tools many years ago. Sherman and Leroy would be proud of me too <3

I only endorse and recommend products that I personally use or products that come highly recommended by my peers. Please don’t spend money on any of these products unless you believe they are best for you and your Newfoundland. Read our full privacy policy here.

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