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Do Newfoundland Dogs Drool?

There are 2 things that Newfoundland dogs are most known for and that’s shedding and drooling. 

In fact, Newfies are listed as one of the 10 iconic dog breeds that drool the most!

It’s part of what makes them a Newfie and those parts may not be desirable to some people who want a big dog but not the mess that may come with them.

The fact is, all dogs drool at some point in time but breeds such as the Newfoundland, bring a lot more drool into the equation, on the walls and the floors. 

2 Newfoundlands drooling

Do Newfoundland Dogs Drool?

Let’s start with the burning question on your mind first: Do Newfoundland dogs drool?

Brace yourself for the earth-shattering revelation – they absolutely do!

In fact, calling it drooling might be an understatement.

Newfoundland dogs are the undisputed champions of the drool universe, and they wear their slobber like a badge of honor.

Why Do Newfie’s Drool?

Newfie’s drool because of the formation of their mouth.

They have big jowls and loose lips and the corners of their mouth tend to turn down where the drool or water accumulates and spills over. 

Dogs that don’t have loose lips don’t have a place to store their salvia so it goes down their throat.

Landseer Newfoundland drooling


Do All Newfoundland Dogs Drool the Same?


Some Newfoundland dogs drool only when they’re begging, drinking water when they’re hot, nervous or eating. 

In my experience with my Newfies, they drool for different reasons. 

For example, Odin drools the most when he’s hot or after he drinks water. 

brown Newfoundland dog slobbering

Lou drools the most when he’s begging and when he’s nervous. 

Some Newfies create one slobber string while others can create double slobber strings, aka shoestrings. 

Some Newfies can create slobber art and make Newfie necklaces or earrings with their drool and others can make breathtaking bubbles. 

Some Newfies need to wear a drool bib, some do not. 

brown Newfoundland dog drooling

The Slobber Symphony

Now, you might think, “Okay, so they drool a bit. Big deal!”

But oh, it’s not just about the quantity; it’s about the artistry.

Newfoundland dogs have turned drooling into a performance art form.

When they shake their heads, it’s like they’re conducting a slobber symphony, complete with majestic arcs and gravity-defying drool trajectories.

Picture this: Your Newfie, let’s call him Sir Drools-A-Lot, decides it’s time for a headshake.

You watch in awe as droplets of drool form a beautiful arc, soaring gracefully through the air, and landing with pinpoint accuracy on your freshly cleaned windows or even better, on your ceiling!

It’s as if they’re secretly practicing for a career in synchronized swimming!

When Do Newfoundland Dogs Start To Drool?

It takes time for this magic to happen.

Most Newfie puppies don’t start to drool until they are at least 1 year old but some won’t open up the slobber floodgates until they are older.

Leroy was never a big drooler until after he turned 5.

He still couldn’t top Sherman’s ability to drool constantly but he has his fair share of ground touchers.

Lou started drooling at around 5 months old.

newfoundland dog with double drool strings

When Do Newfies Drool The Most?

Most Newfies tend to drool when they are:

  • begging
  • eating
  • drinking water
  • and when are hot or excited
  • nauseous

Newfs pant when they are hot to cool off.

The more they pant, the more they drool.

Newfies are messy drinkers.

They will often leave a path of water from their water bowl to their next destination, which means if you can’t find your Newfoundland, just follow the trail of water. 

dry mouth newfie

Is There Such Thing As a Dry Mouth Newfoundland?

There are some Newfies who barely drool but should not be considered a dry-mouth as this is a term created by backyard dog breeders. 

All dogs have salvia glands that create spit.

It’s used to help them swallow food.

Medically speaking you don’t want any dog to have a dry-mouth

Dog breeders who claim to have dry-mouth Newfoundlands are either using it as a marketing ploy or they have tried to breed out the loose flews and replace them with tighter ones. 

This is altering the breed and is usually done for selfish reasons or to meet demand. 

Yes, there are some Newfies that have flews that are too loose. 

Sherman is one example of a dog that has pretty loose flews, Leroy’s are tighter but they’re still there and he still drools. 

A tighter flew isn’t going to produce less dog slobber, it’s just going to keep it from dripping out of the mouth more frequently.

Do You Have To Like Drool To Have a Newfoundland?

You don’t have to like but you’ll have to find a way to get used to it. 

12 years ago my husband couldn’t stand dog drool.

Every time he would step in it he would get grossed out.

He would call me over to wipe the dog’s mouth if they were near him and drooling and if he happened to get drool on him he would gag. 

These days it’s not that big of a deal. 

He still doesn’t care for it on his leg but he no longer gags and if a Newf shakes his head and a slobber string goes flying, he’s gotten pretty good at dodging it. 

It’s just spit that sometimes has food, mud or grass in it.

It’s not dangerous.

do newfies drool

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Are There Any Tips For Dealing With My Newfoundland Dogs Drool? 


Some people use dog bibs to easily wipe the Newfie drool from their dog’s mouth.

This also keeps the chest and legs dry but drool bobs shouldn’t be left on for long periods.

Practicing good drool hygiene is important as well as keeping your Newf’s chin dry.

newfie puppy wearing drool bib

This will prevent yeast and/or bacteria from building up.

We keep towels in every room so they are easy to grab and wipe a face or clean up a mess on the floor. 

I also like to use Duoxo Pads weekly on the skin folds in the neck area, under the chips and on the outer part of the lips.

You can also clip the hair on the neck shorter especially if you’re Newfie is a heavy drooler and smells musty. 

Another way to keep the drool to a minimum is to make sure that your Newf has a cool place to chill out and relax, especially in the summer months. 

Drool-Driven Decor

Embrace the drool, we say!

Instead of fretting over your stained furniture, why not turn your home into a drool-themed paradise?

Think of your Newfie’s slobber as modern art installations.

You can start your very own “Slobber Gallery.”

Invite friends over for wine and cheese, and proudly showcase your Newfie’s finest drool work.

It’s like a high-end art exhibition, but with more tail wagging.

But if you must remove the drool, it’s possible. 

Removing dog drool from your house is pretty easy using Magic Erasers. 

Magic Erasers work great on walls, ceilings, and floors. 

A glass cleaner is great for cleaning slobber off windows. 

Use a dog bowl mat to catch the drips or try the Slobber Stopper Dog Bowl that makes head dunking and bubble blowing nearly impossible. 

big dog drooling on couch

Drool: The Ultimate Conversation Starter

If you’re worried that all this drool might make your Newfie less social, think again.

Newfoundland dogs are always the life of the party!

Their drool is a conversation starter like no other.

It’s a given that any point in time, your Newfie is going to shake their slobber off and while it will happen fast, it will at the same time be in slow motion.

Whoever is in your presence at that the time of the Newfie slobber shake is either going to get with the dog drool or turn to admire the artistry.

You’re instantly the center of attention, and your Newfie is the star of the night. 

Other Breeds Of Dogs That Drool

The Newfie isn’t the only dog breed that drools. 

Other breeds that have big dog jowls and loose flews and are known to drool are St. Bernard, English Mastiff, Bullmastiff, Bassett Hound, English Bulldog, Bloodhound, Great Pyrenees, Clumber Spaniel, Shar Pei, and Boxer.

I’ve seen quite a few Labs and Goldens produce some worthy slobber strings too!



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Tails Around the Ranch

Monday 22nd of July 2019

thanks for the explanation. I always wondered if the physiology of a dog made a difference. Clearly it does!


Monday 22nd of July 2019

The experts say it does. I have to say with Leroy it did come into play. I think that his lips got looser with age and that's when he started drooling more.

jane lau

Sunday 21st of July 2019

Hi. My Irish Setter was also great at drooling. He could also blow bubbles while waiting for his food.


Monday 22nd of July 2019

I love when they blow bubbles. Such talent!!

Holly Mitchell

Sunday 21st of July 2019

Mine are super droolers as well, particularly Emmett, who has shaken his head before and gotten an especially sturdy string wrapped around his muzzle SEVERAL times (he makes me so proud!) We call newfie drool “sloober”, as it is definitely different from dog slobber we have experienced in the past, with other breeds. I used to find it gross, too, but once you are in love with one you stop caring so much. Well. Yeah it’s still gross but it is what it is. The gag reflex of your husband’s made me giggle!


Monday 22nd of July 2019

That's the same with Sherman. He always has something flowing from his mouth. I think the only time that I got a little grossed out was when Leroy flung a slobber string and it went in my mouth. Lol

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