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Do Newfoundland Dogs Sleep A Lot?

A big misconception about the Newfoundland breed is that they are lazy dogs that don’t do much besides lay on the couch and sleep.  

According to a study conducted by the National Sleep Foundation, the average dog sleeps about 12-14 hours and that is right about the average sleep time of an adult Newfoundland. 

This number may seem a lot to humans who average far less time sleeping but remember, the average human doesn’t get the amount of sleep that they need and are often worn down and tired!

Also, a dog’s sleep pattern is different than humans meaning that when they sleep they aren’t always experiencing REM. 

This is often why a dog wakes faster than a human.

do Newfoundland dogs sleep a lot

How Much Does An Average Dog Sleep?

As mentioned above, the average adult dog sleeps around 12-14 hours a day, sometimes more for giant breeds.

Puppies are going to play hard and sleep hard so they will average more napping hours than adult dogs. 

Most puppies sleep 18 to 20 hours a day.

Senior dogs will sleep more than adult dogs because they need it. 

Working dogs that actively working may sleep less but harder.

But in reality, it’s hard to put a specific number on how much a dog sleeps because all dogs are different. 

Age, health, lifestyle, and the individual dog will determine how much they sleep. 

landseer newfoundland

Reasons Why Your Newfoundland Might Change Their Sleeping Routine

If you’ve noticed that your Newfie is sleeping longer, shorter or at different times than normal there are a few reasons why that may be. 

Medical Reasons

Your Newfies health might need to be checked by a veterinarian. 

Newfies are prone to several different health issues that might affect their sleep such as hypothyroidism, joint issues, and SAS.

If your Newfoundland is displaying other changes in their attitude such as not eating, vomiting, diarrhea, gaining weight, limping, or experiencing skin issues, you should contact your veterinarian to set up an appointment. 

landseer newfoundland sleeping on cooling pad

A Change In Your Schedule

If your schedule has changed your Newfies schedule has probably changed too. 

When my kids go back to school I get up an hour earlier which means the dogs get up an hour earlier which means everything is off by an hour. 

This includes their sleep schedule. 

I can already tell that Odin much prefers sleeping in rather than waking up early and his morning naps are longer. 

He’ll eventually catch up so I don’t worry much about it. 

Also when I transitioned to working from home, Sherman’s and Leroy’s sleep patterns changed. 

They were used to sleeping the entire afternoon when I worked out of the house which made me think “Wow! They sleep a lot!” 

After a few weeks, they started to transition out of that and were more active when I was home. 

black newfoundland puppy yawning


If your Newfie is anything like mine they probably sleep more in the summer than they do in the winter. 

Dealing with the heat can be draining for a Newf and the less they move the cooler they are. 

Don’t worry, they’ll make up for it during the coldest days in the winter when they ask to go outside 50 times a day!

Those snow zoomies will also kick in!

A New Addition

If you’ve recently added a new puppy, adopted a new dog, or had a baby, those changes can be mentally exhausting for a dog. 

It takes them time to adjust.

You can make the adjustment easier by making sure that your Newfie has its own safe spot to sleep and keep their routine as close to normal as possible. 

On the opposite end, the loss of another dog or family member can also affect their sleep. 

Dogs that have recently experienced a loss can suffer from canine depression.

Leroy definitely slept more after Sherman passed away. 

How Age Affects Your Newfoundland Sleep

Puppies just sleep more than adult dogs and this can be up to 20 hours a day. 

Their fast-growing bodies need the rest and when they are up they are going full speed exerting much more energy than an adult dog would in a short amount of time. 

Senior Newfoundlands will also sleep more than a healthy adult dog. 

They are often dealing with changes to their body and rest is good for them. 

Older Newfoundlands may sleep extra after days that they were more active than normal. 

Senior Newfoundlands that are recovering from surgery may also sleep more than normal and ones that are experiencing pain from joint issues.

You should always mention any changes in sleeping patterns no matter what the age of your Newfie to your veterinarian. 


Another reason why Newfoundland dogs may sleep a lot is that they have nothing better to do. 

This is the reason most dogs nap a lot during the day. 

They are bored. 

If your adult Newfie is sleeping on the couch for 22 hours a day, provide them with something to do. 

They are either going to sleep or they are going to find something to occupy themselves which equals trouble. 

landseer newfoundland dog walking

Go for a walk. 

Teach your Newfoundland to swim.

Train your Newfoundland to pull a cart.

Get outside and play with them!

They are not here with us long enough.

You should be taking advantage of every waking minute with them and Newfs do need daily exercise to keep them fit and trim. 

Keep them moving and keep them trim for as long as you can because once they start losing their mobility it’s tough to get it back. 

When To Be Concerned If Your Newfoundland Dogs Are Sleeping A Lot

If your Newfoundland dog is sleeping a lot and you’ve noticed a change in their appetite, behavior, or appearance you should contact your veterinarian. 

Newfies are notorious for being a stoic breed so they may not be feeling well or be in pain which is causing them to be less active. 

They are also a very sensitive breed so if a lot has changed or if you offended them in some way, this could be their way of dealing with it. 

Some medications may also make a dog sleepy so check the side effects of any medication that you are giving.

Newfoundland dogs sleep a lot compared to humans but not necessarily more than other breeds of dogs.

They will sleep more at different stages of their life but they definitely shouldn’t be sleeping the entire day away.  

They should be provided with plenty of mental and physical stimulation throughout their day. 

How To Tell If Your Newfoundland’s Sleeping Habits Are Something To Worry About

If you have any concerns about your Newfie’s health you should always talk to your veterinarian. 

But If you’re just wondering if your Newfie’s extra naps are cause for some you can observe some of their other behaviors to help you out.

Eating and Drinking

Is your Newfie eating and drinking normally or are they turning their nose up at the bowl?

Are you filling the water bowls at the same pace?

Do they have normal stools and are they urinating regularly?


Is your Newfie waking up when the ice maker is on?

Are they in the kitchen when you’re making dinner?

Are they greeting you when you come home?

If they normally do these things but they aren’t now, they may be experiencing some hearing loss issues.

You should talk to your vet about this. 

Proper Nutrition

Newfoundlands should be fed an appropriate diet at all stages of their life.

If they’re overly tired or having a hard time getting up and moving, check to make sure that they are getting all the nutrients that they need from their diet.

Some dogs may need added supplements which can be determined by your veterinarian. 





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