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How Much Does A Newfoundland Dog Cost?

Boy, if I had a dollar for every time that I was asked that question I would be a $100 richer.

The cost of a Newfoundland is something that is talked about a lot in the Newfie community but it’s not talked about in-depth, perhaps because no one really knows the answer.

Many people who are searching for a Newfoundland for the first time are often looking for a price range of what they should be paying for a puppy and not how much that puppy is going to cost them over 10-12 years.

I get it.

I did the same thing.

However, after owning Newfies for many years now, it’s not easy or realistic to just throw out a random price because it’s complicated. 

Newfies are more like an investment that you’re always putting money into to increase their life.



How Much Does a Newfie Puppy Cost?

The first price you’ll come faced with is buying a puppy from an ethical breeder.

On average the current price of a Newfoundland puppy is between $1,200 to $3,000.

Of course, there are always exceptions and that price could be higher or lower.

I’ve seen a Newfie puppy in a pet store being sold for $3,500, so make sure to keep in mind that just because the price is higher doesn’t mean you’re getting a Newfoundland from a reputable breeder.

If you have done all your research on finding a responsible breeder, there shouldn’t be too much of an issue, but if you’re rushing into it because you want a Newfoundland puppy right now, you might be getting ripped off.



What should that initial cost include: (may vary)

  • A well-bred puppy.
  • Health testing-cardiology, eye disorders,
  • A complete physical exam by a veterinarian
  • Puppy vaccines and de-worming given by a veterinarian
  • Health records
  • Health certificate
  • Microchip
  • Possible start-up of health insurance
  • A lifelong relationship with the breeder


puppy and adult black newfoundland dog


What you should NEVER be paying more for:

Now, that’s the first investment.

Let’s move on to lifetime investments.

For most of these, there isn’t a set cost because of so many variables that come into play but it will give you an idea of what expenses you face down the road.

how much does a newfoundland dog cost



How Much Does It Cost To Feed A Newfoundland?

This will widely depend on what type of food you’re feeding, kibble, raw, or home-cooked.

Keep in mind that if you go the kibble route you’ll be spending about the same whether you go with a higher quality kibble or lower quality.

With high-quality kibble, you’ll be feeding less because of its high quality and there’s a good chance you’ll have fewer health issues.

We always recommend going this route.


Don’t forget about the treats too.

Maybe $80-100 per month for 1 dog.

I spend about $200 per month for Sherman and Leroy but Leroy is on prescription food and requires a totally different diet.

Don’t forget about bowls and make sure that there are several of them.

How Much Does A Newfoundland Dog Cost?

How Much Are Grooming Supplies For A Newfoundland?

This will depend on how involved you’re going to get with grooming.

Are you going to do it all yourself?

Are you going to use a groomer?


The initial start-up for grooming yourself can be hefty and can include a lot of different tools.

Rakes, combs, brushes, grooming table, dog dryer, shampoo, conditioner, grooming spray, detanglers, mat splitters.

Some of these things you don’t have to get right away but you should at least have a rake, comb, and brush.

We recommended that if you’re going to be doing all the grooming yourself that you attend a grooming seminar with your regional Newfoundland club and get your puppy used to all the tools as soon as you can.

If you’re going to be using a groomer that price can vary depending on the region.

On average I’ve heard that people spend $100-$200 every 6 weeks or so.


Dog Toys

This varies widely on the dog and preferences.

Some dogs will be destroyers of toys, some will only like a specific type of toy.

Hard, soft, stuffed, un-stuffed, chewer, non-chewer.

We’ll put leashes and collars in this section too.

Perhaps a harness for draft work and a life vest for swimming.

We could also add in the cost of a cart and any swimming accessories if you’re going to do a lot of water work.


How Much Does A Newfoundland Dog Cost?



Remember, your Newfie may or may not be an angel for the first few years of life.

They go through different stages and some of these can be destructive.

Chewing furniture, chewing walls, eating your plants, knocking a very expensive lamp off your table with their happy tail.

Whacking your wine off the end table onto the carpet is one of the reasons why you rip your carpet out and replace it with some type of wipeable flooring.

But then when they become seniors you’ll be buying non-slip rugs and carpet squares to go over that wipeable flooring in hopes that they won’t fall and blow out a knee. 

Your yard will most likely become a mud pit so you’ll spend countless hours trying to replant grass, buy straw, lay a concrete patio.


Cleaning Supplies

You’ll need to find a vacuum or several that can hold up to Newfie hair and dander.

You might buy an expensive one and it lasts for a few years or you buy a cheap one every other month.

Magic Erasers.

You’ll want to but stock in these because you’ll be using them all the time to wipe the slobber off your walls.

Don’t forget about carpet stain removal, pooper scoopers, floor wipes, and paper towels.

How Much Does A Newfoundland Dog Cost?

Training Your Newfoundland

You’re Newf is going to be smart and maybe stubborn.

You’ll need to invest time and money into their training so that you can cut down on costs from the destruction section.

Remember, a bored Newf is a curious Newf, a curious Newf is a counter surfer or a master of destruction.

Crate training may be something you’re interested in so you’ll have to invest in different sizes of crates as the puppy grows.



Medical Cost Of Newfies

I can only wish that you have a healthy Newfie that will never have any major health issues but the ugly truth is that at some point your Newf will.

The most common health issues seen in Newfoundlands are joint issues including hips, knees, and elbows, allergies that include skin issues and ear issues.

Bloat, a serious medical condition that is seen in giant breed dogs with deep chests.

Heart issues including Subaortic Stenosis and Cardiomyopathy .

Arthritis will affect most senior Newfoundlands at some point.

All of these issues can easily get you into the thousands of dollars range.


How Much Does A Newfoundland Dog Cost?


Not to mention regular care costs such as altering (neuter/spay) tacking the stomach if you choose, vaccines, heartworm, and flea/tick medications.

OFA  should be done on Newfoundlands also to check their hips and elbows after the age of 2.

This cost is on the owner and can vary from clinic to clinic.

Don’t forget your medical expenses here.

You may suffer from the occasional bloody nose, broken toe or black eye, all on accident and out of love of course.


Pet Insurance

Due to the high cost of medical expenses that can come with having a Newfoundland we always recommend pet insurance.

Many pet insurances will cover the cost of medications, prescription food, therapy, and of course medical emergencies.

Getting pet insurance early can help save you hundreds, if not thousands of dollars.

how much does a newfoundland dog cost



Since I’ve had Odin for over a year now, I’ve broken down his cost over the last year. 

He’s a healthy 4-year-old Newfoundland (approximate age since we adopted him and don’t know his real birthdate)

Wellness checkup with updated vaccines, heartworm test, fecal, and a 6-month supply of heartworm meds + a recheck=$620

Food  + treats + supplements /year=$1,800+

Grooming= I do our grooming but purchased a few new supplies= $150

Toys= $200+

Tick Prevention= $200 (this includes yard treatment)

Total estimated cost = $2,970 

So let’s say that Odin is with us for 8 more years with no other medical issues = $23,760. 



$23,760 is on the low end from my experience and since we adopted Odin that value doesn’t include any puppy classes or training and 3 years of vet care that I’m not sure if he had. 

Leroy was quadrupled with his medical issues. 

It’s important to keep in mind that when you’re searching for a Newfoundland puppy, the purchase price may be a large up-front cost but it is nothing compared to the lifetime cost of having a Newfoundland.


Just take all my money ? #newfies #brownnewfie #newfiesoftiktok

♬ original sound – Lee Gann

I haven’t kept a running tally of the total cost of Sherman and Leroy, some of us are just better off not knowing.

And yes, they are worth every single penny.

To end, I don’t want you to not get a Newfoundland.

I wish that everyone could experience the love of a Newfoundland at least once in their life, but I want you to be as prepared as you can be.

There’s a reason that rescue groups are overloaded with Newfoundlands right now.


If you were looking to adopt a Newfoundland that is currently in rescue please, perhaps because their owners couldn’t afford them, check out the Newfoundland Club of America’s Rescue Organization for a rescue near you.



black newfoundland puppy



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Lynn Millen

Saturday 25th of March 2023

Thank you so much for for your site. We too have two newfs. Tess soon to be 4 and Ava soon to be 6. Our first Newf was Maggie and we were hooked!!! After 55 years of marriage and having multiple dog breeds in our home we will never be without two at a time. They ARE expensive BUT worth EVERY PENNY. What an incredible breed of dog!


Monday 18th of June 2018

I had to laugh at the medical costs for the newfie's human. I ended up in the ER with a black eye and concussion after I tripped and went head first into a gate when my boy got excited and I wasn't paying enough attention. I was answering a newfie question while waiting for my cousins with their dog. My dogs good friend, excitement brought me down.

Shadow's & Ducky's Mom

Monday 18th of June 2018

Whoa! The up-front cost would knock me out of the market, for sure. Of course, I'm past the point where I want to raise any more puppies anyway. And I'd hate to think what Golden Retriever pups cost these days.

Tails Around the Ranch

Monday 18th of June 2018

The upfront cost for any pure-bred dog is but a small part of the financial commitment when you decide to get a dog. And we think it's probably different with each situation.


Monday 18th of June 2018

We have Vizslas. We drove 3 hours to pick up a Vizsla puppy. I had 6 males to pick from and I had one that curled up on my lap and said this is the one. Schooner is his name and he was not cheap. After 6 months I decided to adopt a Vizsla. We found him in Nebraska and we live in Indiana. We meet near the Nebraska/Iowa line. Skipper was 6 months old. It was a long drive but Schooner and Skipper are now 8 years old and they are the best of friends. You can't put a price on the love of a dog. They are our babies. It is just like having a child and you can't put a price on them...they need shots, vet visits, food, grooming, and lots of love just like a child. The uncondtional love they give you everyday melts my heart...when you wlk in the door and they are ready to greet you with lots of tail wagging and kisses. Yes our babies are expensive but it is worth every penny. We cross our fingers, and paws and say a prayer for Leroy and family everyday.

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