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Should You Get A Second Newfoundland? Pros and Cons

Double the Newfoundlands, double the love, double the hair and double the money. 

Newfoundlands are known for their gentle giant personality and incredible loyalty.

They’re also pretty addicting and the phrase, “Newfies are like potato chips, you can’t have just one.” is often heard coming out of the mouths of most people who are owned by Newfies. 

Their unique traits often make their owners consider adding a second Newfoundland to their family.

However, before you decide to bring another one of these lovable giants into your home, it’s essential to weigh the pros and cons carefully.

Today we’re going to explore the glorious world of advantages and disadvantages of getting a second Newfoundland so that you can make an informed decision.Should You Get A Second Newfoundland? Pros and Cons

Ah, the Newfoundland, the lovable, slobbering giant of the dog world!

If you’re already basking in the glory of one of these majestic beasts, you might have found yourself wondering, “Should I double the fun and get a second Newfoundland?”


Should You Get A Second Newfoundland? Pros and Cons

Pros of Getting a Second Newfoundland


One of the most significant advantages of getting a second Newfoundland is the companionship they offer.

Newfoundlands are incredibly social dogs, and having a Newfie can help combat loneliness and separation anxiety, both for your family and yourself.

What’s better than hanging with one Newfie?

Hanging with 2 of course!

Should You Get A Second Newfoundland? Pros and Cons

Built-in Fun

If you already have a goofy Newfoundland, adding another one means you will double your fun.

You’ll have your very own comedy show and your Newfies will be the main stars.

These dogs are known for their love of play, and having a sibling to romp around with can provide you and them with endless entertainment.

brown and Landseer Newfoundland sitting outside next to each other

Double the Love

Do you remember that old saying, “You can’t have too much of a good thing”?

That applies perfectly here.

Two Newfoundlands mean double the love, affection, and paw shakes.

This breed is incredibly affectionate and they thrive on human interaction.

With two of them around, you’ll experience an abundance of love and devotion.

But be warned, there is a good chance that you might suffocate from all that Newfie love. 

2 black Newfoundlands next to each other

Exercise and Stimulation

Newfoundlands are active dogs, and having a second one can encourage regular exercise for both dogs.

They can motivate each other to go on walks, play fetch, and engage in other physical activities, ensuring they stay healthy and fit.

Guard Dogs

Newfoundlands are not known for their protective instincts in the typical type of guard dog way

They’ll protect their family but they don’t give 2 hoots about anything else in the house. 

They’ll suffocate the intruder with an eager Newfie greeting and then beg for belly rubs.

Their way of protecting you is to distract the intruder with their awesomeness and if needed, make a barricade between their family and the potential threat.

With 2 Newfies, you’ll be protected by 300 pounds of solid and drooly dogs that are going to make any threat turn around and run away.

Clean Less

While there will be double the dog hair, double the slobber and double the mud, you won’t be able to keep and pretty soon you’ll just embrace the mess. 

You’re still going to vacuum the same amount you did with 1 Newfie because your vacuum cleaner can’t keep up and you want to extend its life as long as possible. 

You’re not going to clean the slobber off the windows and walls more, you’re going to leave it because it’s part of your decor now. 

You will not clean more, trust me. 

brown and Landseer Newfoundland sitting outside next to each other

Cons of Getting a Second Newfoundland

Increased Costs

Let’s be real, Newfies aren’t cheap so adding a second Newfoundland means doubling your expenses.

You’re going to double up on almost everything so be sure to budget for additional food, grooming, healthcare costs, boarding and maybe even a bigger vehicle.

Veterinary bills, in particular, can be quite substantial for giant breed dogs.

Oh, and vacuum cleaners, you’re going to need a lot of those. 

landseer Newfoundland and brown Newfie sitting next to each other

Space Requirements

Now it’s true that Newfies don’t require a big house or big yard to live and play in.

They like to be close to their family and that means they require reserved seating on the couch. 

If there’s no room, your lap will do just fine. 

That’s 2 Newfies sitting on your lap but remember, their comfort comes before yours.

You might also have to get extra creative with rearranging your furniture to accommodate their pile of giant toys, orthopedic beds and non-slip rugs so they don’t slip when they’re chasing each other around the house. 

What I’m trying to say is that, regardless of the size of your house or yard, both of your Newfies will always be a tripping hazard. 

brown Newfie laying on laminate flooring in house

Wear & Tear

Newfoundlands are big. Like, “Did I accidentally adopt a small horse?” big.

If you think your single Newfie does a lot of damage to your yard and house, wait until you add another one.

It’s double the mud, double the hair, double the snowballs stuck in their paws, double the slobber, double the poop and double the amount of towels you’ll need.

Training Challenges

Training one Newfoundland can be demanding, but training two can be even more challenging, especially if they have different personalities.

It’s essential to invest time and effort into obedience training and socialization to prevent behavioral issues.

Newfies are smart but they’re also self-willed.

They hear you and they understand you but be prepared for the blank Newfie stare times 2 because they are bored with it.

Dominance Issues

Don’t let anyone tell you different, introducing a second Newfoundland into your home can lead to dominance struggles, especially if both dogs are of the same gender.

It might not happen immediately but it can happen and if it does, it can be kind of scary. 

It happened to me right when Leroy was getting into the adolescent stage and Sherman was entering out of it. 

Don’t forget that it’s recommended that giant breed dogs like the Newf be altered when their growth plates close.

This is normally around 2 years of age, right when those hormones are starting to bust through. 

Proper supervision and training are necessary to establish a balance between your 2 giant breed dogs.  

Health Concerns

Newfoundlands are prone to certain health issues, such as hip dysplasia and heart problems.

Owning two of them means a higher likelihood of dealing with these health concerns, which can be emotionally and financially taxing.

Believe me when I say that injuries and illnesses are contagious when it comes to having multiple Newfies.

It’s like they know you’re going to the vet and they want to come too and no amount of budgeting will cover it. 

Should You Adopt Or Buy Your Second Newfoundland?

Adopting or buying a Newfie comes with a different set of pros and cons and it ultimately comes down to you. 

In a perfect world, it would be nice to adopt a Newfie and buy a Newfie responsibly. 

I’ve done both and don’t regret it. 

Sometimes, adopting an adult Newfie might be easier, especially if you’ve just finished the adolescent stage with a Newfie puppy or after saying goodbye to a senior Newfie. 

When I adopted Odin we just lost Sherman and Leroy wasn’t doing well. 

It was mentally and physically exhausting caring for 2 senior Newfies and the thought of raising a puppy right after that, drained me so we adopted Odin. 

But everyone’s situation is different and you need to follow your own heart and not someone else’s.

An alternative to permanently adding another Newfie to your family that was just made on our FB page is to foster a Newfoundland through a reputable rescue organization

You still get all the pros of being loved by 2 Newfies but less of the cons and many Newfie rescue groups are currently in dire need of foster homes. 

2 black Newfoundlands sitting next to each other

My Experience Having 2 Newfoundlands

I’ve loved having 2 Newfies at the same time but it’s not always easy. 

One con for me is having 2  senior Newfies. 

Senior Newfies can be a lot of work and expensive, especially if one of them has chronic health issues. 

Sherman and Leroy were 1 1/2 years apart and they both struggled with mobility issues after they turned 10 years old. 

I didn’t notice it at the time but caring for them was VERY time-consuming.

It was a labor of love for sure but I don’t know that I would want to have 2 Newfies so close in age again. 

Another small con is that I seem to always have 2 Newfies with totally different personalities which can be challenging at times. 


So, should you get a second Newfoundland?

Well……do you want to be micro-managed by 1 Newfie or 2 Newfies?

The answer ultimately depends on your love for slobber, fur, massive paws and your willingness to live in their world, not yours. 

If you have the space, resources, and commitment to provide for and care for two Newfoundlands, the companionship and love they’ll offer in return can be incredibly rewarding.

If you’re up for the challenge and ready to embrace the chaos, having two of these gentle giants could bring you endless joy and laughter.

But if you’re unsure, there’s no shame in sticking with one and giving them all the love and attention they deserve.

After all, one Newfoundland is a handful, but two?

Well, that’s an adventure for the brave and the boldly goofy.

Ultimately, the decision should align with your lifestyle, capabilities, and the well-being of both your current Newfoundland and the potential new addition to your family.

I do want to add that if you’re looking to get a second Newfoundland because raising your first Newfie was a walk in the park, be aware that this good be beginner luck. 

I did the same thing but my second Newfie wasn’t so easy. 

I would say he was more on target with what raising a typical Newf looks like x’s  3. 

However, even after that, I continued to have 2 Newfies because once you go Newfie, you never go back. 


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Donna Reed

Thursday 12th of October 2023

Hi. I had two Newfies, both are rescues. They were best buds, like, always had to be touching each other. The younger one would lay upside down and prop his feet on his brothers back and so forth. In April the older went rapidly downhill. We think he was turning 10 but as a rescue we aren't sure of his real age. When he passed, his younger brother was devastated. Mourned for weeks. Wouldn't eat. So we quickly applied for another rescue and in July went and got our new girl. She is ~5ish. She was rescued from an Amish puppy mill, and she was a breeder. She is scared of everything, including our other Newfie. She is getting better slowly and I know patience is required with rescues. She hides in our laundry room. Anyway, I was wondering if you have any helpful tips to help her adapt to our home. We try not to push her but sometimes even just getting her to go outside to potty requires some force. Sometimes she goes outside willingly, sometimes we have to put a leash on her and walk her to the door. And a few times we have literally had to drag/push/pull her from the laundry room, to the kitchen where the back slider door is to get her to go out. Then she runs out and potties, so I know she NEEDED to go, just was refusing to go. She won't go upstairs with us at night (or ever)--I don't think she knows how to do stairs much yet, though she will do the three steps to our backyard. Any hints besides just being patient and giving lots of love and treats? Thanks so much. She is a brown mixed with Landseer, so looks like a giant Springer Spaniel lol. Thanks for your time!


Thursday 12th of October 2023

Hi Donna,

When we adopted Odin I was told about the 3-3-3 rule with rescue dogs. 3 days to decompress, 3 weeks to learn the routine, 3 months to feel at home. It sounds like she's at the 3 months zone now so maybe she needs a little more time. It took Odin more than 3 months to get over some of his fears and he hasn't fully gotten over a few. One of his fears was walking through doors and he is still hesitant to go through some. He just went into my daughter's room for the first time last month and we've had him for over 3 years. He also won't walk through my paren't front door but he'll go in through the back patio sliding door. It makes me wonder if he had some issues with doors before we adopted him.


Friday 29th of September 2023

We have been around Newfs for a long time, but our first real experience started 7 years ago when we brought home a pair of litter mates. Jen his on the mark for the pros and cons. While I fell for them and just accepted the hair and drool, the family still struggles with both. We lost one to Osteosarcoma last month, but her sister is doing good (and is in bed under my feet as I write this). When we first brought them home someone showed me a site that described Newfie's as "prolific shedders and epic droolers". I can't make an argument against that, but the love they give is priceless.

katie dolan

Thursday 28th of September 2023

I have 2 Newfies and agree completely with this article! We've been lucky to have an older dog and a younger dog so have not had the experience of managing two senior Newfs. Double the love, for sure


Thursday 28th of September 2023

Hi Katie!

Yeah, having Sherman and Leroy so close together in age was a challenge for sure when they got to be over 10. I loved caring for them but the empty feeling I had when they both passed away so close to each other was a lot to deal with.

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